Eurex comercial
About Eurex Global Derivatives AG Eurex Global Derivatives AG is a Company limited by shares (AG) with its legal headquarters in Zug. Eurex Global Derivatives AG belongs to the industry «Services for banks and credit institutions» and is currently active. The company was founded on 15.12.2011 and has 7 persons in its management. This training course covers the representation of the different EEX trading products according to the German commercial code (HGB) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in detail. Eurex has sought to target the buy-side to become clearing members of its repo service in order to boost volumes and liquidity on the platform. In January, Dutch pension fund PGGM signed up to use Eurex's cleared repo markets, allowing it to trade with more than 140 Eurex participants including commercial banks, central banks, and government